At Fertility Alberta, we believe that building a family should not be a privilege that is only available to those who can afford it. 

Our goal is to increase access to fertility health care for all Albertans. We plan to achieve this by advocating on two fronts: government advocacy and employer advocacy.

In addition to our government and employer advocacy, we are working with post-secondary institutions, foundations and industry stakeholders to conduct needed research. We also plan to build a collection of resources to help patients navigate their fertility journey, empowering them to advocate for themselves.

Fertility Alberta is a nonprofit organization, not a registered charity, making it difficult to fundraise. Our volunteer board of 6, collectively spends over 100 hours a week on this work but with so much to do, we need financial resources to support the work. Currently our only source of funding comes from sponsorships.

That’s where you come in!

How You Can Help

Given the exorbitant costs associated with fertility treatments, the dream of starting a family has become unattainable for many Albertans.

By supporting Fertility Alberta’s crowdfunding campaign, you are helping us advocate for equitable access to fertility care in the province. Every dollar goes towards our advocacy efforts, educating the government and public about fertility care, and reducing the stigma related to building your family with fertility assistance.

No one should ever have to give up their dream of a family because they do not have the money for or access to reproductive care, if you agree, please give what you can.

Donate Now!


Thank you to our Sponsors